Course curriculum

    1. Course Description

    2. Required Texts

    3. Recommended Texts & Sites

    4. For Further Study

    5. Bibles

    6. Atlas

    1. The Gospel of Mark in One Setting (Week 1 - Class 1)

    2. The "Story of the Storytellers - What are the Gospels?" (Week 1 - Class 2)

    3. Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time (Week 1 - Class 3)

    1. What are We Doing? (Week 2 - Class 1)

    2. What are we reading? (Week 2 - Class 2)

    3. Beginning with the End (Week 2 - Class 3)

    1. From Jesus to Christ, Part 1 (Week 3 - Class 1)

    2. Diagraming the Synoptic Gospels (Week 3 - Class 2)

    3. What Manner of Man? (Week 3 - Class 3)

    4. The Interrogation (Week 3 - Class 4)

    1. Excavating Jesus (Week 4 - Class - 1)

    2. John the Baptist (Week 4 - Class 2)

    3. Jesus, Compassion, and Politics (Week 4 - Class 3)

    4. "Blackmail!" - Theissen (Week 4 - Class 4)

    1. Jesus Carved in Stone (Week 5 - Class 1)

    2. The First Preaching in Galilee (Week 5 - Class 2)

    3. The Possibility of a Messianic Ethic (Week 5 - Class 3)

    4. *Week 5 - Class 3 - Addendum (John Howard Yoder)

    5. *Week 5 - Class 3 -Addendum ("Politics of Jesus")

    6. (Week 5 - Class 4) Andreas' Decision

About this course

  • Free
  • 100 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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